Kioptrix level 1.2(Kioptrix level 3)-walkthrough . My Path To OSCP

5 min readOct 24, 2020


This is my 3rd blog post about my preparation for OSCP that I’m practicing from TJnull Vulnhub VM List . You can check out the full VM list here .

Let’s Begin :

First import the VM with your favorite virtualization software , and get the ip address of the VM . You can get the VM from here . If you face any problem in getting the IP address then assign a new network adapter to the Kioptrix VM and after that remove the first network adapter . Now if you need assistance for the command to know the ip address of the VM check my first blog post here .

Now that we got our ip and VM is up and running let’s start with reconnaissance .


Let’s start with a nmap scan . We will do it @ippsec style.

sudo nmap -sC -sV -oA nmap/kioptrix3

  • -sC : For the default script
  • -sV : For the version detection
  • -oA : For out put in all format into path nmap/kioptrix3

we got only two ports open .

  • one is for port 22 i.e. ssh
  • 2nd one is port 80 i.e. for web service

Now before checking out the the web page let’s do a quick gobuster directory scan .

Enumeration :

gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -x php,txt,html -t 10
  • dir : For directory searching
  • -w : For wordlist path
  • -u : For url
  • -x : For extension
  • -t : For thread count

We got bunch of directory end points and also it is open for phpmyadmin login . Now let’s visit the web page .

We can see that we got three section i.e. home , blog and login section . Let’s check other sections as there is nothing here .

Here we found that we can move the gallery section of the url .The add this url with it’s ip to our hosts file .

sudo vi /etc/hosts

Now let’s check the login page .

From the login page we found that it is using LotusCMS . Let’s check for any exploit for this service .

We found a metasploit exploit for this . Let’s run the exploit .

But it didn’t worked For me . Now let’s search google for any exploits available . I got a exploit written by Hood3dRob1n . You can get the exploit here . Now let’s start a netcat listener and run the exploit .

It requires the remote host ip in first parameter .

Next it asks attacker ip , a port to listen and method to back connect .

Now we got a shell and let’s improve the shell with python . Let’s check what we got in there .

We found the phpmyadmin credentials in gconfig.php file in the gallery directory . Let’s login and check it .

We got some ssh credentials with usernames in dev_accounts table in database . we got two users dreg and loneferret. Let’s crack the hashes to get the plaintext password . In the first step I always prefer crackstation to crack it .

And We got the password . Let’s do the login . From the dreg user we got nothing in that account . Now logging with loneferret user We found a readme file about the root uses .

The sudo user can use ht service , ht is a hex editor . Let’s open up the hex editor . First it show error , by exporting the TERM it fixes the issue .

Now Let’s open the sudoers file and edit the sudo user service as per our choice . In ht editor press F3 to open file . And path to sudoers file is /etc/sudoers.

I have added /bin/bash service in sudoers file , but you can use any service of your choice .

And we got root shell .

There is a another way of getting the credentials for ssh by dumping sql database using sqlmap . There is a gallery section of the webpage which is vulnerable to sqlinjection which makes it to dump database using sqlmap . I haven’t covered that part here but you can take try that. After getting the ssh credentials all the things remains same .

Key Learning From this BOX :

  • Always check for multiple process for solving the challenge .
  • Sometimes a metasploit exploit will not work , so in that case check for publicly available exploit .



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